
by CoreProc, Inc.



Welcome to the Mansmith Mobile App! With the Mansmith mobile app, you can: ACCESS MANSMITH EVENTS ANYWHERE o Get updates on Mansmith conferences, seminars, awards, and other events.o Access registration to conferences, seminars, awards, and other events via the app.o Access events using your own QR code. LEARN EXCLUSIVE CONTENT o Get exclusive content and browse through seminar modules/sessions or download and save it on your phone.o Get information about our event speakers and view their background and professional experience.o Send your notes and key takeaways from the app to your email. BUILD NETWORKS o Create your own profile and connect with other participants.o Send feedback or questions in real-time or interact with other participants.o Get extra mileage for your brands through our Exhibitors/Sponsors program.CREATE BETTER EXPERIENCES WITH USo Tell us what you think of the Mansmith programs through our surveys and evaluation forms.o Listen to our curated events playlist. Or let us know what type of music you want to listen to.